April is Autism Awareness Month

April is Autism Awareness Month


The Heart of Surfing and Dunkin Donuts are teaming up to increase awareness of those with Autism and Special needs in our community.

We are bringing together families with Autism and Special needs with Local Police, Fire and EMT personnel Each Friday in the month of April.  It is our hope that meeting with the First Responders will help to build a stronger understanding of the behaviors and potential triggers of individuals with Autism. Behaviors that too often are misunderstood and lead to adverse interactions between the person with Autism and special needs and those trying to help.

Education and Awareness are key factors that lead to a better understanding of how a situation can escalate and delay solving the problem.

Each Friday morning in April from 9 am to 11 am, we will be at the Northfield Dunkin Donuts at 809 Tilton Road, Northfield, NJ

Please plan to join us, participate and grow our community.

Free Coffee and Donuts will be available for participants